Stefan Paquet, LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #118370

Stefan Paquet - Online Couples Therapist

About Me

  • Navigating the ebbs and flows of relationships can often make life feel like an uphill battle. We encounter challenges not just in our connections but also at work, school, and within our minds, grappling with issues like depression, anxiety, or trauma. The challenge arises when our difficulties overshadow these joyful experiences.

    In my practice, with a focus on relationship therapy, I am committed to helping you and your partner find harmony and joy in your life together. I aim to assist you in managing and overcoming the hurdles within your relationship. I hold a firm belief in the capacity of each individual to achieve happiness and fulfillment, and I am dedicated to guiding you toward realizing that potential within your relationship.

    My experience spans working with adults facing a variety of challenges, including depression, anxiety, and trauma. Additionally, I have a deep understanding of the unique struggles faced by LGBTQ individuals, particularly those navigating the complexities of sexuality and gender identity, including the journey through hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery.

    As your therapist, I prioritize creating a safe, non-judgmental environment where both you and your partner can feel heard and understood. Employing client-centered and integrative therapy approaches, my goal is to empower you to uncover your own solutions and strengths. I am here to support you and I am eager to be a part of your journey toward achieving your relationship goals.

  • Relationship Issues



    Gender & Sexuality




    Stress Management

    Men’s Issues

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist MFC 118370

    Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Palo Alto University

    Bachelor or Arts in Psychology, Minor: Music from University of California, Davis

    Member of The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

    Gender Spectrum Professions’ Symposium